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Importance of Life skills


Updated: May 2, 2022

Today’s Students are tomorrow’s Citizens who build a healthy and prosperous nation. Motivating and helping them to see life in the right outlook is a social responsibility for all of us we must take part into.

Skills are abilities. Our Life skill session focuses on the following basic areas of Life skills as identified by WHO viz. Decision-making and problem-solving, Creative thinking and critical thinking, Communication and interpersonal skills, Self-awareness and empathy, Coping with emotions and coping with stress.

WHO considered that life skills are essential for -

1. The promotion of healthy child and adolescent development.

2. Primary prevention of some key causes of child and adolescent death, disease and disability.

3. Socialization.

4. Preparing young people for changing social circumstances.

Life skills education contributes to -

1. Basic education

2. Gender equality

3. Democracy

4. Good citizenship

5. Child care and protection

6. Quality and efficiency of the education system

7. The promotion of lifelong learning

8. Quality of life

9. The promotion of peace.

Areas of primary prevention for which life skills are considered essential include-

1. Adolescent pregnancy


3. Violence

4. Child abuse

5. Suicide

6. Problems related to the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances

7. Injuries

8. Accidents

9. Racism

10. Conflict

11. Environmental issues.

It has been noted that following reasons why life skills are essential for primary prevention-

1. Demands of modern life

2. Poor parenting

3. Changing family structure

4. Dysfunctional relationships

5. New understanding of young people’s needs

6. Decline of religion

7. Rapid socio cultural change

Source- WHO

Our Motivational session on Personal development of a person, we look at five areas of development viz. Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Development.

As Wikipedia defines, Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. Personal development takes place over the course of a person's entire life.

Among other things, personal development may include the following activities -

1. Improving self-awareness

2. Improving self-knowledge

3. Improving skills and/or learning new ones

4. Building or renewing identity/self-esteem

5. Developing strengths or talents

6. Improving a career

7. Identifying or improving potential

8. Building employability or (alternatively) human capital

9. Enhancing lifestyle and/or the quality of life and time-management

10.Improving health

11.Improving wealth or social status

12.Fulfilling aspirations

13.Initiating a life enterprise

14.Defining and executing personal development plans (PDPs)

15.Improving social relations or emotional intelligence spiritual identity development and recognition

Source- Wikipedia

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